Ranking, law and reputation: the serious risks of AI texts
AI texts as a threat to search engine rankings
According to a study, over 1,400 pages containing some or more AI texts were banned from the Google index in spring 2024 alone. As a result, the affected websites suddenly went from having millions of hits to zero. Experts see this as a clear commitment by Google to stem the tide of poor quality AI texts.
AI texts and possible breaches of data protection and copyright law
It's a legal dispute that is making headlines: The New York Times is suing the best-known provider of AI texts for millions of copyright infringements. Well-known authors are also defending themselves in court against the theft of their intellectual property. For users of AI texts, possible plagiarism means considerable legal risks. There is also the risk of confidential company data being leaked to the provider of the language model and even to other users. Companies could face fines in the millions and employees tens of thousands.
AI texts as a reputational risk
There were plenty of bad texts even before the advent of AI generators. However, the content and linguistic weaknesses of AI texts, often coupled with cursory editing, lead to reputational risks of unprecedented proportions. Customers react immediately to meaningless texts or the gibberish of chatbots. If, thanks to the hallucinations of the AI generator, completely abstruse content ends up on a company website, the damage to the company's image is perfect.
How we protect you from AI texts
eWriters works exclusively with qualified editors who have the appropriate professional training and years of experience. Since the quality and originality of professional authors cannot even begin to be achieved by AI generators, we deliberately refrain from using them.
Instead, in addition to the obligatory plagiarism check, we document the exact creation process of each individual text. Even if you give us your existing texts for revision, we will rewrite them from scratch with the same high quality standards.